TMS Questionnaire
Which Functional Aspects Does the TMS Questionnaire Cover?

The questionnaire for Transport Management Systems (TMS questionnaire) is part of the system questionnaires, which together form the basis of the »Logistics IT Database« provided by Fraunhofer IML.
In addition to general aspects about the company, the TMS questionnaire also covers the company’s range of services and experiences. However, the focus of the TMS questionnaire is on the functional support of transport processes in the context of procurement and distribution. Here, in addition to basic administrative functions, the parameters for planning, management and control of the individual transports are also considered. Due to different means of transport, legal requirements or even the length of the transport route, the respective additional functions are indispensable for the efficient execution of a transport.
This results in a level of detail that reflects both the individual requirements of the user and the functional capabilities of the TMS solutions. Typical questions are for example
- Which information about a location can be managed?
- Can the status history of a container or swap body be managed?
- What criteria can be used to compile existing orders for shipments?
Scope of functions of the TMS Questionnaire
In addition, the questionnaire collects a variety of other information relating to developments, trends and assessments of the respective company in the TMS market.
The questionnaire is adapted or extended annually according to the latest requirements and developments. In addition to project experience, feedback from the users of the database (TMS providers, TMS users and consulting companies) is also used for this purpose.
Validation and Use of the Data
The data provided by a Logistics IT provider is not added to the »Logistics IT Database« or made available for use by »Logistics IT Online Selection« until it has been successfully validated. The annual updating of the questionnaire combined with the yearly validation of the data is what guarantees that the data is always up to date.