Definition Pick-by-Systems
What are Pick-by-Systems?
Pick-by-systems are different systems that support the order picker by guiding him intuitively through the order picking process. They are used to reduce the error-proneness of the order picking process, as it contributes significantly to the cost and work intensity in the warehouse. Depending on the respective technology, the warehouse employee will be given instructions or assistance in different ways to ensure error-free and fast order picking. In this way, productivity in the warehouse can be increased and error rates minimised in comparison to traditional order picking.
Pick-by-systems are based on different technologies, which are briefly explained below. The different procedures can be used alone or complementarily. It is also possible to use several pick-by-systems at different locations in a warehouse in order to be able to respond to the respective picking conditions and requirements in the best possible way.
Functionality of Pick-by-Systems

Pick-by-systems consist of a hardware and a software component, which only in combination allow a meaningful use in order picking. Usually these systems are developed »WMS-neutral« and can therefore be connected to almost any WMS.
Core Functions
The core functions are part of the ordinary functional area of every pick-by-system. They are indispensable for the operation of the pick-by-systems and are part of the minimum installation scope of each system. The core functions support the main application area of every pick-by-system: The order picking.
With Pick-by-Voice, the employee receives the picking instructions from a computer voice via a headset and also confirms them by voice command. The headset is connected to the Warehouse Management System and guides the employee through the necessary steps of the picking process. Pick-by-Voice enables the employee to use both hands (hands-free-operation) to carry out the picking process.
In this variant, the employee is guided to the ordered article by means of a signal lamp and display on the shelves. After picking, the employee confirms the removed quantity via an acknowledgement button. This prevents the picking of the wrong article or from the wrong shelf.
During picking using Pick-by-Scan, the picker receives the order on a mobile handheld computer with an integrated scanner. After scanning the picked article, the scanner displays the scanned barcode.If the barcode does not match, the employee will be informed. The current status of the picking is transmitted to the Warehouse Management System.
The Pick-by-Vision solution combines speech recognition with a visual display of the required information on data glasses and thus uses the technology of Augmented Reality. The employee receives all relevant data as well as any supporting data in exchange with the warehouse management software via the data glasses and can thus also pick with both hands (hands-free-operation) in this approach.
With Pick-by-Gesture, the employee's picking movements are tracked by a camera. Gestures, such as "thumbs up" to confirm the picked quantity, are transmitted to the leading logistics IT system in the warehouse (e.g. WMS). In this way, the hands remain free during picking, dialogues are usually controlled by hand movements.