»Logistics IT Online Selection«
Holistic »Logistics IT Online Selection« to Identify the Most Suitable Logistics IT System for Your Logistics
Learn more about the holistic »Logistics IT Online Selection«, its motivation and how it works!
In the »Logistics IT Online Selection«, you have the opportunity to benchmark around 90 Logistics IT systems from 70 providers in order to identify the system that is perfect fit for you.
Our free Express Access gives you an insight into the selection logic and enables you to view the market for your concrete project example. The Premium Access gives you a detailed insight into the functionalities of the individual systems and enables a concrete, complete system selection for your project. You can find an overview of the access types »here«.
[Click here to register for the free Express Access ...]
The new, holistic »Logistics IT Online Selection« enables you to compare a large number of different Logistics IT systems based on your individual logistics requirements. The selection offers the comparison of Logistics IT systems within the following system groups: Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), Transport Management Systems (TMS), Forklift Guidance Systems (FGS) and Resource Planning Systems (RPS). In addition, you will find providers of Business Intelligence Systems (BI) and Pick-by-systems (Pick-by-Light, Pick-by-Voice, etc.) as well as additional information on the definition of system groups on warehouse-logistics.com.
Motivation of the Holistic »Logistics IT Online Selection«
An essential prerequisite for business success is the continuous optimisation of our own logistics processes. Disproportionately increasing process complexity results in continuously rising requirements with regard to cost and performance transparency in the warehouse and on transport routes. For this reason the selection of suitable Logistics IT systems is of strategic importance. However, this process is often associated with a high expense of time and money.
For companies looking for a new Logistics IT system, the »Logistics IT Online Selection« is an efficient and reliable tool. Which provider meets set K.O. criteria? Which provider offers the right Logistics IT system for an individual customer project? In which functional areas is a specific Logistics IT system particularly strong? The »Logistics IT Online Selection« answers these questions.
Functionality of the Integrated »Logistics IT Online Selection«
The entry to the »Logistics IT Online Selection« addresses users who already have a clear idea of the software or Logistics IT system they are looking for. For this purpose, we offer you the possibility of a functional comparison and precise benchmarking within our system groups (e.g. WMS,TMS, RPS) for your individual application.
An example for illustration:
In order to be able to bring Logistics IT provider and Logistics IT users together in a perfectly fitting way, we first offer you the possibility of setting certain K.O. criteria which must be fulfilled by the respective Logistics IT system (e.g. TMS). In the next step, you refine and weight the requirement profile for the TMS in order to obtain an overview of suitable Transport Management Systems after evaluation.
The detailed procedure within the selection is described under »Using the Logistics IT Online Selection«.
Any Questions? Feel Free to Contact Us!
Please contact us, we are glad to be at your disposal:
»Team warehouse logistics«
Phone: +49 (0) 231 / 97 43 - 214