Our Services
Which Services Does »Team warehouse logistics« Offer?
The range of services provided by »Team warehouse logistics« is divided into services for users and services for Logistics IT providers. It covers the following key areas:
»Logistics IT Online Selection«

The »Logistics IT Online Selection« is an efficient and reliable service for companies that are looking for a new Logistics IT system. Which providers meet the specified K.O. criteria? Which providers offer the best Logistics IT system for an individual customer project? In what areas is the functionality of a specific Logistics IT system especially strong?
These questions are answered by the »Logistics IT Online Selection« service.
»WMS Reference Projects«

WMS providers may list realised projects as »WMS Reference Projects« and have them validated objectively by »Team warehouse logistics«. Filter criteria make it easier for WMS users to search for projects with specific project specifications (e.g. industry sector).
This process will ensure that project descriptions are both comparable and reliable.
»Strategic Logistics IT Consulting«
Would you like to support your logistics processes digitally? Do you have a historically grown IT system landscape in your company? Do you know your challenges and problems in logistics, but don't know which IT system would be the best solution? Let the experienced »Team warehouse logistics« of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML support you with the »Strategic Logistics IT Consulting« in finding a solution. In targeted process and strategy workshops, we work with you to develop a target picture for a meaningful future orientation of your Logistics IT in your company.
»Logistics IT Consulting«

When implementing a WMS, »Team warehouse logistics« provides support within the »Logistics IT Consulting« from process analysis through defining requirements up to tendering and realisation of the custom-fit Logisctics IT system for your field of application.
The scope of services offered can extend over all project phases or contain only individual phases or steps.
Training and Education

Our training portfolio is aimed at colleges and universities as well as professional associations and individual companies. We support you in expanding your know-how in the field of Logistics IT and especially Warehouse Management Systems from a strategic point of view. Whether it is to be able to support your customers even more effectively in the field of digitalisation, to develop your sales staff from salespersons to system consultants or to successfully prepare your own system Go Live.
»warehouse logistics« glossary

The »warehouse logistics« glossary is a joint project of the »warehouse logistics« community. It offers Logistik IT providers and interested parties an overview of terms and associated definitions relating to Logistics IT systems.
Participation in the »Logistics IT Database«

For providers of Logistics IT systems, it is becoming increasingly important to acquire potential customers and draw attention to their own product. By participating in the »Logistics IT Database« your system will automatically be considered for every »Logistics IT Online Selection«. In this way, potential customers are made aware of you. Beyond the provision of data in the »Logistics IT Online Selection«, you as a Logistics IT provider have extensive possibilities to present your company and your product in the portal warehouse-logistics.com. Detailed information about the listing on warehouse-logistics.com can be found under participation in the »Logistics IT Database«.
Logistics IT Innovation Forum

Logistics IT provider have the opportunity to hold a joint event with the »Team warehouse logistics«. New and forward-looking developments and technologies in logistics can be discussed and experiences exchanged. Experts, customers, partners and interested parties can be invited to this one-day event at the Fraunhofer Institute in Dortmund.
For more information click here.
Logistic Lectures

The participants of the »Logistics IT database« have the exclusive opportunity to book current logistic lectures. At events organised by the Logistics IT provider these logistic lectures give the audience a professional and innovative insight into the logistics of tomorrow. The »Team warehouse logistics« provides a selection of different logistic topics.
For more information click here.