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Short description

As a medium-sized company with 90 members of staff, TEAM has been supporting its customers reliably, competently and with suitable IT solutions since 1982. TEAM can count many well renowned companies from industry, trade and services amongst its many long-standing and satisfied customers.

Information related to the company

Company description

As a long-standing Oracle partner, the Paderborn IT company TEAM GmbH has specialised in modern IT solutions and technology-related services.

Using ProStore® - warehouse management and intralogistics, TEAM is one of the leading software providers for innovative solutions in intralogistics. With ProStore® you can implement current trends such as digitalization and logistics 4.0 in the most efficient way.

In the Oracle business, TEAM can provide you with specialized support from our highly qualified staff on topics such as licensing, consulting, individual software development, migration and workshops which can be tailored to your individual needs.

As a medium-sized company with 90 members of staff, TEAM has been supporting its customers reliably, competently and with suitable IT solutions since 1982. TEAM can count many well renowned companies from industry, trade and services amongst its many long-standing and satisfied customers.

Info and customer testimonials about our references can be found here

Company Flyer

Information related to the product

WMSProStore 10.11.3


ProStore® is TEAM’s modular standard software for intralogistics and Warehouse Management. It optimizes logistical workflows within the company and provides the basis for maximum transparency of the internal flow of goods. The warehouse management system ProStore® optimizes warehouse management as well as the logistical processes within the company creates the prerequisites for the highest possible transparency of intra-company goods flows and is geared towards logistics 4.0.

The organization of internal material and material flows is a highly complex task.
In order to ensure the fluently running of the company and the warehouse, the goods need to be ready at the right time, at the right place, in the right quantity and in the right quality. Modern information and communication technologies support intralogistics processes effectively.

This is the starting point of the ProStore® Warehouse Management System from TEAM. ProStore® optimizes the logistical processes within the company and creates the prerequisites for the highest possible transparency of intra-company goods flows.

ProStore® uses advanced technology concepts based on Oracle and includes service-oriented software architectures and web services.

ProStore® can be used regardless of the sector in all areas in which the logistics processes are, to be optimally supported.

In brief: Warehouse Management System ProStore®

With TEAM’s ProStore® warehouse management system, you are optimally equipped for the future of intralogistics and create the prerequisites for your Logistics 4.0 concept. Current trends such as globalization, industry 4.0, e-commerce or same-day delivery present new challenges for companies.

Info and customer testimonials about our references can be found here

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Location and contact information

TEAM GmbH - Ihr Partner für IT

Hermann-Löns-Str. 88

33104 Paderborn


Rainer Appel


Telephone: 05254 / 8008-0

Fax: 05254 / 8008-19

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