Stöcklin Logistik AG

Stöcklin Logistik AG
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Short description

Stöcklin has been developing software for LVS and MFR systems for 35 years. These systems cover all processes for intralogistics. Especially in the sector of logistics automation, the software distinguishes itself. Stöcklin, with a total of 500 employees and 45 employees in the software division, stands out as a reliable partner.

Information related to the company

Company description

Stöcklin Logistik AG is a globally active general contractor in the field of intralogistics with a very high level of in-house production. In addition to in-house manufactured storage and conveyor systems, control automation, Stöcklin also offers an extensive software suite from its own company, with which all processes in intra-logistics can be mapped.
Stöcklin covers all countries in Europe, outside Europe Stöcklin is mainly represented in Mexico, Brazil, Russia and the USA.


The Stöcklin company was founded in 1934. What started back then with wooden trolleys, Stöcklin is now a leading supplier of logistics automation systems and also acts as a general contractor for intralogistics solutions. This is primarily in the sector of bin, carton and pallet storage and transport systems.
In the software sector, the independent subsidiary RETIS Software AG was founded in 1981 by the company Sprecher + Schuh in the industrial software sector. In November 1990, RETIS separated from the Sprecher + Schuh Group through a management buyout. In 2003, RETIS joined the Stöcklin Group, adding software expertise to the logistics provider's portfolio. On October 1, 2006, the name was changed from RETIS Software AG to Stöcklin Software AG. In 2011, Stöcklin Software AG was integrated into Stöcklin Logistik AG.

Company Flyer


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Location and contact information

Stöcklin Logistik AG

Postfach 0

4242 Laufen



Marcel Schaub

Marketing und Verkaufsleiter

Telephone: 061 705 8339

Fax: 061 701 3032

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