Replica Sistemi S.p.A.

Short description
For over 40 years Replica Sistemi has specialized in the development of business software for supply chain management, in particular warehouse logistics, yard management and transport management, implemented by over 1,000 customers worldwide. Replica Sistemi is a member of the Zucchetti Group, the first Italian business software house in Europe.
Information related to the company
Company description
Replica Sistemi is specialize in developing software for management integrated logistics technologies Voice and RFID, iPad implementation of ERP solutions.
Over 1.000 companiesand more than 40,000 users in Italy and abroad have implemented Replica Sistemi's solutions for the management of logistics processes.
Founded in 1980 to overcome organizational shortcomings in the management of material flows and the relative information in warehouses and to solve transport planning, today it is able to provide complete, integrated solutions for Supply Chain management.
Replica Sistemi offers a complete suite of software applications (Warehouse Management, Transportation Management, Proof of Delivery, Custom & Fiscal Management - Bonded Warehouse, ERP) per to maximize the efficiency of companies that have undertaken a strategic process of growth and internationalization of their businesses by improving their levels of service and creating competitive advantages.
Replica Sistemi has grown because it stay close to its customers' problems; an on-going dialogue with users and constant investment in R&D for ICT solutions allow it to understand and anticipate market demand and continuously improve its products.
Information related to the product
Stocksystem Infinity 5.0
StockSystemInfinityis theweb-basedWarehouse Management System (WMS) solutionof theSMA.I.L:)platform
It manages logistics flows, increases productivity and efficiency, reduces costs and errors,andoptimizes warehouse logistics performance.
It uses the most innovative and well-established information technologies:AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robots),Voice, Light wireless system, Wearable scanning and RFID.
Developed on Zucchetti's Infinity platform,it dialogues with the main ERP systemson the market via standard interfaces or through specific integration modules.
Target group
Awarehouse management systemthat aims atoptimization.
Used by more than600companies because of its flexible software architecture that can be easily configured to the parameters ofeach customer's commodity sectors.
Operation area
Controlled flows
- Reception of goods
- Stocking and Moving
- Production
- Picking and Shipping
- Control and Statistics
The StockSystem warehouse management system allowsdinamic managementof goods allocations,optimizesmaterial handling activities andenables continuous monitoringof activities and human and automated resources.
The main operational functions are available on Android Ready terminals. It integrates with LGV systems, automated and end-of-line warehouses, label application and printing systems.
Voice recognition
Gloves with incorporated scanner
Pick by vision
Discover> - RFID
Radio Frequency Identification
Product roadmap
Advantagesof Warehouse Management System StockSystem
- decreased time for inspecting, storing and picking goods;
- on-time deliveries;
- rotating inventory;
- space optimization and rationalization;
- automation of repetitive procedures.
- correct and verifiable inventories in real time;
- speed in shipment staging and dynamic picking;
- evaluation of operator performance;
- elimination of paper media:
- accuracy and control in receiving;
- reduction of errors in picking and shipping.
- monitoring tools (KPIs);
- statistics dashboard;
- traceability and visibility of all logistics processes.
- paperless;
- route optimization;
- better redistribution of workloads for operators.
Cost reduction
- space optimization and rationalization;
- automation of repetitive procedures;
- elimination of paper media.
Reduction of errors
- accuracy and control in receiving;
- reduction of errors in picking and shipping.
Product Flyer
EasyTrip 1.63
EasyTrip Transportation Management Systemis theweb-basedsoftware solution of theSMA.I.L:)platform for:
- planning, organisingandoptimisingtransportation, choice of vehicles and routes, composition of trips for the distribution of goods.
- delivery confirmation:TMScontrols and improves delivery processes or eventual collection of returns, as well as their management.
- controlling, simulatingandaccountingtransportation costs and performance.
Operation area
Operational Workflows
- "Supported" trip planning
Quick trips proposal with all existing operational and logistical constraints, such as loading/unloading slots, limited traffic zones and travel times. -
Optimal route calculation
Identification of theoptimal trip routewith respect to theconstraintsandservice requiredby the customer. -
Dynamic travel planning
Optimization and selection of suitable vehicles. -
Choice of the best carrier for the journey
Theautomatic carrier selectioncan beparameterisedaccording to cost-effectiveness and/or sustainability principles. -
Proof of delivery
Driver request of delivery outcome (confirmation or return)
Real-time monitoring of deliveries,estimation of calculated arrival timesbased on traffic and immediatedriver feedback. -
Real time visibility of delivery outcomes
Monitoring of delivery status and verification of estimated ETAs. -
Calculation of transport costs
Real-time visibility of the accounting cost of each shipment for each carrier. -
Pre-invoice issuance
The TMS automatically sends pre-invoices to the carrier.
EasyTrip TMSadvantages
- Costs Reduction
The ARC Advisory Group reports that companies can save an average of 7.2% on costs by implementing a TMS.
Reduce transport planning and control time.
Reduce delivery errors and dispute costs. - Better Organisation
A single TMS platform to effectively plan, manage and control complex operations: optimise trips, choose the best vehicles and routes, select the most convenient carrier fares. - Flexibility
Un TMS di nuova generazione reattivo ai cambiamenti.
On boarding e training dei key user in una sola giornata - Trasparency and Shareability
The TMS shares information and data in real time with other software (WMS, ERP, etc.) to improve company logistics and the efficiency of administrative and accounting processes.
Product Flyer
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Location and contact information
Replica Sistemi SpA Dei Toscani 68 46010 Curtatone (MN) Italy https://www.replicasistemi.comDott.ssa Francesca Guaschino Responsabile Marketing francesca.guaschino@replica.itTelephone: +39 0376346411 Fax: +39 0376346418 |