IGZ Ingenieurgesellschaft für logistische Informationssysteme mbH

IGZ Ingenieurgesellschaft für logistische Informationssysteme mbH

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Short description

IGZ, the SAP EWM general contractor, implements manual and highly automated solutions with SAP EWM/MFS, SAP LES/TRM, SAP ME/MII/DMC and SAP TM (incl. SAP LBN). Source: www.igz.com

Information related to the company

Company description

The SAP Logistics Project House

IGZ, the SAP engineers, cover all phases of an SAP project in logistics and production. In the first step, this includes SAP/IT strategy consulting for the application analysis of the SAP modules as well as the plant and process planning.

In the second step, after the detailed planning phase, the SAP software implementation and smooth integration of the control and plant technology of any kind with SAP standard software up to the subsequent service/support are executed - all key competencies for your SAP project are under one roof at IGZ!

More than 600 medium-sized companies and large corporations from all over Europe are among IGZ's customers. The industry focus is on food/beverages, retail, industry, chemicals/pharmaceuticals and logistics service providers.

Strategy Consulting SAP Processes

Using proven methodology and an engineering approach, IGZ provides detailed SAP deployment analyses for the process requirements in logistics and production in the project preparation phases and, if required, creates a plant concept/layout.

The aim is to provide those responsible for logistics, production and IT with a sound basis for decision-making and strategic deployment recommendations for the optimal use of SAP standard software and large-scale plant concepts.

Profitability calculations, logistics asset planning and ROI check-ups are an essential part of IGZ strategy consulting.

Standardized and therefore economical SAP and plant solutions with high flexibility, short ROI and long-term investment protection are in the foreground.

  • SAP EWM / MFS - Extended Warehouse Management
  • SAP LES / TRM - Logistics Execution System
  • SAP DMC - Digital Manufacturing Cloud
  • SAP TM - Transportation Management (including SAP LBN Logistics Business Network)

Within this framework, IGZ integrates responsibly and supplier-neutrally all types of technology and equipment such as:

  • warehouse automation technology (for example: stacker cranes, conveyours, shuttle systems, ...)
  • picking systems (pick-by-voice, pick-by/to-light, robots, ...)
  • mobile data acquisition systems for production and logistics (RF, ...)
  • automated production systems and machines (MES Sytems, ...)
  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
  • Optical Systems


There is a long-standing and intensive cooperation with the logistics development of SAP AG. IGZ has received the following SAP certifications from SAP AG to date:

  • SAP Recognized Expertise Partner (REX) Warehousing
  • SAP Recognized Expertise Partner (REX) Manufacturing
  • SAP Recognized Expertise Partner (REX) Supply Chain Management
  • SAP Validated Expertise Partner SCE
  • SAP Special-Expertise Partner EWM / LES
  • SAP Special-Expertise Partner Automation (SPS)
  • SAP Special-Expertise Partner Manufacturing Execution
  • SAP Logistics Service Provider (LSP)
  • SAP Process Industry

These partnerships are awarded to consulting companies that have many years of logistics experience, in-depth SAP know-how and successful reference projects.

As confirmation of IGZ's successful corporate activities in recent years, the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology named IGZ one of the fifty best and fastest-growing companies in Bavaria.

SAP software implementation

Structured, committed and competent, IGZ then supports its SAP customers in the implementation of SAP modules in the areas of operational logistics, warehousing, material flow, production, distribution and transport.

SAP technology integration

IGZ, the SAP engineers, has extensive experience and project references in the planning, realization and direct SAP connection of warehouse technology and production plants of any type and any plant manufacturer.

The main focus is, among other things, the planning, realization and modernization of plant technology with programmable logic controllers (PLC) and direct SAP connection for highly automated storage, conveyor and picking systems as well as for automated product plants, machines, packaging lines and weighing systems.

IGZ guarantees vendor-independent, secure, cost-effective, reliable SAP integration of existing as well as new plant technology without the use of external middleware or subsystems from a single source.


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Location and contact information

IGZ Ingenieurgesellschaft für logistische Informationssysteme mbH

Logistikweg 1

95685 Falkenberg




Holger Häring

Bereichsleiter Verkauf


Telephone: +49 9637 9292-0

Fax: +49 9637 9292-110

IGZ Ingenieurgesellschaft für logistische Informationssysteme mbH

Neusiedlerstraße 17

4060 Leonding




Telephone: +49 9637 9292 0

IGZ Ingenieurgesellschaft für logistische Informationssysteme mbH

The Circle 6

8058 Zürich




Telephone: +49 9637 9292 0

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