Hörmann Intralogistics Solutions GmbH

Hörmann Intralogistics Solutions GmbH

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Short description

For more than 30 years we have been delivering innovative warehouse and conveyor concepts and cutting-edge technologies, based on custom high-bay and small-parts warehouses as well as AutoStore-systems. Our modular WMS „Hörmann intra Logistics System” HiLIS provides full integration of the entire system.

Information related to the company

Company description

With passion and expertise

Since our foundation in 1987 we design and deliver automated conveying and warehouse systems with passion. Expertise, creativity and dedication are the basis of our custom solutions for most different trades.

With highly qualified employees and longtime experience Hörmann Logistik has delivered a large number of national and international projects. Beside custom concepts, groundbreaking ideas and forward-looking technologies we attach great importance to personal support and reliability.

Company Flyer

Information related to the product



Different types of storage systems, conveyors and extensive material flow processes – the HiLIS Hörmann intra Logistics System administrates, controls and optimizes all operation levels online. Flexible interfaces and sophisticated strategies provide full transparency and system availability. Customized SCADA and control modules allow real-time monitoring, verification and correction of each individual activity.


HiLIS allows customized processes from elementary warehouse administration to highly complex intra logistics control. Open parameter setting for all modules offers highest flexibility and adaption to all business processes.

Product Screenshots

Product Flyer

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Validated WMS reference projects1 Validated WMS reference projects


Location and contact information

Hörmann Intralogistics Solutions GmbH

Gneisenaustraße 15

80992 München




Steffen Dieterich



Telephone: +43-(0)89-149898-0

Fax: +43-(0)89-149898-98

HÖRMANN Intralogistics Solutions GmbH

Eggenberger Allee 49/1/3

8020 Graz



Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Wimmer

Head of IT Sales


Telephone: +43 316 228611- 570

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