![Mecalux GmbH](/Website/images/AnbieterLogos/Anbieter_114.jpg)
Mecalux GmbH
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Short description
The Mecalux Group has created Easy WMS, software inspired by over 50 years of warehouse design expertise. This isn’t just a warehouse management system — behind it is a team of experts that assesses your logistics operations comprehensively to implement the most intelligent digitisation solution.
Information related to the company
Company description
Mecalux is one of the leading companies in the storage systems market. It is specialised in the design, manufacturing, sale and services of metal racking, automated warehouses and other storage solutions. Mecalux is the leading storage company in Spain and ranks third in the world in its field, selling to more than 70 countries.
The prime position of the company is based on its application of the most advanced technology in the industry, and on its extensive distribution network in Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Belgium, Holland, UK, Czech Republic, Poland, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Panama, Mexico, Canada, Turkey and the USA.
The group has eleven production centres: in Spain (Barcelona, Gijon and Palencia), Poland (Gliwice), USA (Chicago, Sumter and Pontiac), Mexico (Tijuana and Matamoros), Brazil (Sao Paulo) and Argentina (Buenos Aires), each one strategically located to offer a fast, flexible service to their current and potential markets.
Mecalux Group's growth and development is based on: the opening of new branches, the expansion of its sales distribution networks, the investment in R+D, its automated warehouse division, and the logistics portal Logismarket. Since its foundation 50 years ago, this approach has guaranteed high quality products and an excellent client service.
Thriving on innovation, Mecalux was founded in 1966 and has expanded to become the third largest company in its field worldwide. The company has consolidated its status as an across-the-board supplier of warehouse and technological solutions, and is always at the forefront of industry innovations, offering bespoke solutions developed in accordance to clients’ needs.
Information related to the product
EASY WMS Release:
Easy WMS is a powerful, versatile software, with multi-owner, multi-site and multi-language functionalities, which streamlines warehouse management, no matter the size or type of warehouse you are running. It controls, coordinates and manages all movements, processes and operations, multiplying profitability in all areas: receipt, storage, picking and dispatch of exit orders.
- SaaS (Software as a Service)
This cloud-based model is 100% online. Depending on the functionalities purchased, a customer gets access to the Easy WMS, the associated apps and updates from any browser by paying a subscription. Everything goes through a secure connection and without having to invest in IT infrastructure to house the software. The monthly user fee includes product and customer service support. Using this option reduces setup times, as well as costs of ownership - On-premise
In the on-premise model, both the software and the hardware required to run Easy WMS must be set up in a customer’s installation.
In the control and management hierarchy, Easy WMS is located immediately below the company’s global management system (ERP) from which Easy receives direct orders about operations that must be carried out (planned inputs, orders to be dispatched, etc.) and to which Easy sends information about operational outcomes. Communication is direct, without intermediate layers and with minimum errors during data transfer, thus achieving top security of information and stability.
Product Flyer
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Das MIT und Mecalux starten ein bahnbrechendes Projekt zur Beschleunigung der logistischen Innovation (03.12.2024)
Il MIT e Mecalux avviano un progetto all’avanguardia per accelerare l’innovazione logistica (03.12.2024)
MIT and Mecalux launch a groundbreaking project to accelerate logistics innovation (03.12.2024)
Fondazione ITS Logistica Sostenibile installerà Easy WMS per formare leader nella logistica (18.11.2024)
Friman ottimizzerà la logistica alimentare di 2.300 hotel, ristoranti, bar e strutture collettive con Easy WMS (14.11.2024)
Unikalo automatizza il suo magazzino di vernici per l'edilizia (11.10.2024)
Easy WMS mette le ali ai lavoratori di Manufast (04.10.2024)
Laiteries Réunies de Genève sceglie le soluzioni software di Mecalux per gestire i suoi magazzini (02.10.2024)
PepsiCo automated its first warehouse in Poland with Mecalux (01.10.2024)
PepsiCo automatisiert sein erstes Lager in Polen mit Unterstützung von Mecalux (01.10.2024)
Unikalo automates its warehouse for building paint (09.09.2024)
Unikalo automatisiert sein Lager für Baufarben (09.09.2024)
Die WISAG verwaltet 10.000 Artikelarten von verschiedenen Unternehmen mit der Verwaltungssoftware Easy WMS von Mecalux (03.09.2024)
Tajfun aumenterà l'efficienza nella gestione dell'inventario (12.08.2024)
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Moderna Products quadruples its capacity for plastic pet supplies with an automated warehouse from Mecalux (30.07.2024)
Bright Junior Media manages educational toys with Mecalux’s Easy WMS (17.07.2024)
Bright Junior Media verwaltet die Lernspielzeuge mit Easy WMS von Mecalux (17.07.2024)
»Tote-to-Person«, der Transfer von Behältern zur Kommissionierung erfolgt automatisch (16.07.2024)
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Il MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics apre un nuovo laboratorio per studiare il potenziale dell'intelligenza (27.06.2024)
MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics launches new lab supported by Mecalux to research the potential of AI (26.06.2024)
Der Hersteller und Großhändler für Orthopädietechnik Neut digitalisiert sein Lager (03.06.2024)
Il produttore e distributore di articoli ortopedici Neut digitalizza il suo magazzino (03.06.2024)
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Clavo Food Factory migliora la produttività del suo magazzino di Tordesillas (22.05.2024)
Degriffstock potenzia la sua logistica omnicanale con Easy WMS (15.05.2024)
Degriffstock wird seine Omnichannel-Logistik mit Easy WMS ankurbeln (13.05.2024)
IGL erobert Gold in der Logistik mit Easy WMS (06.05.2024)
IGL goes for logistics gold with Easy WMS (06.05.2024)
IGL punta all'oro nella logistica con Easy WMS (06.05.2024)
Best-of-Breed-Strategie – ist das die richtige Entscheidung? (11.04.2024)
PepsiCo chooses Mecalux to equip one of Europe’s largest crisp factories (09.04.2024)
PepsiCo fait confiance à Mecalux pour équiper l’une des plus grandes usines de chips d’Europe (09.04.2024)
PepsiCo modernisiert das Lager seiner belgischen Fabrik für Chips (09.04.2024)
Mecalux digitalisiert drei Lager von Sidler Transporte & Logistik in der Schweiz (05.03.2024)
Mecalux digitalizzerà tre magazzini di Sidler Transporte & Logistik in Svizzera (05.03.2024)
Mecalux to digitise three Sidler Transporte & Logistik warehouses in Switzerland (05.03.2024)
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Sabarot doubles the performance of its automated warehouse (05.03.2024)
Sabarot duplica il rendimento del suo magazzino automatico (05.03.2024)
Sabarot verdoppelt die Leistung seines automatisierten Lagers (05.03.2024)
Mecalux digitalizzerà tre magazzini di Sidler Transporte & Logistik in Svizzera (01.03.2024)
Sabarot duplica il rendimento del suo magazzino automatico (23.02.2024)
Sabarot doubles the throughput of its Mecalux AS/RS to boost its operational capacity (20.02.2024)
Sabarot verdoppelt den Durchsatz seines automatischen Lagers, um die Betriebskapazitäten zu erhöhen (20.02.2024)
Mecalux präsentiert seine neue AMR-Angebotspalette auf der LogiMAT 2024 (16.02.2024)
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Best Practices 31: tecnologia per la logistica (18.01.2024)
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Magazzino automatico e antisismico di Eurofrigo per gestire prodotti surgelati (13.11.2023)
Best Practices 30: automation and digitalisation to boost logistics efficiency (30.10.2023)
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Best Practices 30: automazione e digitalizzazione per migliorare la logistica (30.10.2023)
Mecalux bringt ein Robotersystem zur Kommissionierung mit der KI-Technologie von Siemens heraus (26.10.2023)
Mecalux lancia un sistema robotizzato per la preparazione degli ordini con la tecnologia di Siemens (26.10.2023)
Mecalux launches an AI-driven robotic order picking system with Siemens’ technology (26.10.2023)
Easy WMS effettuerà un controllo esaustivo dei processi del magazzino di Dafy (25.09.2023)
Easy WMS sorgt für eine umfassende Kontrolle der Lagerprozesse bei Dafy (25.09.2023)
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Automazione logistica per aziende 3PL (22.08.2023)
La Source digitalisiert sein Lager für Nahrungsprodukte auf Naturbasis mit Easy WMS (16.08.2023)
Cafés El Magnífico gewährleistet die Rückverfolgbarkeit des Kaffees mit Easy WMS von Mecalux (24.07.2023)
Cafés El Magnífico to control coffee traceability with Mecalux’s Easy WMS (24.07.2023)
Cafés El Magnifico controllerà la tracciabilità del caffè con Easy WMS di Mecalux (17.07.2023)
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Automatisches Lager für Autolacke von Nippon Paint (17.05.2023)
Inventario continuo: registrazione dello stock in tempo reale (16.05.2023)
Il Gruppo Manitou sceglie Mecalux per automatizzare il suo centro logistico (13.04.2023)
Savino del Bene eröffnet ein Lager, um seinen Kundenstamm zu erweitern (03.04.2023)
Mecalux costruirà due magazzini automatici per Unilever (29.03.2023)
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Für die Automatisierung des Logistikzentrums der Manitou-Gruppe fiel die Entscheidung auf Mecalux (20.03.2023)
3 Fallstudien zur effizienten Auftragszusammenstellung (24.02.2023)
Manitou Group chooses Mecalux to automate its logistics centre (08.02.2023)
Manitou Group choisit Mecalux pour automatiser son centre logistique (07.02.2023)
Die Schlüssel zur Weinlagerung (02.02.2023)
Interview mit Jesús García, von der Ersatzteileabteilung der Grupo Motos Bordoy (30.01.2023)
Interview with Jesús García, Spare Parts Department Manager at the Motos Bordoy Group (30.01.2023)
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Screw and fastener distributor ICF revamps its logistics operations (18.01.2023)
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7 logistics trends for 2023 (11.01.2023)
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Das Fliesenunternehmen VM Matériaux automatisiert sein Lager, um die Kommissionierung zu beschleunigen (04.01.2023)
Das Fliesenunternehmen VM Matériaux automatisiert sein Lager, um die Kommissionierung zu beschleunigen (04.01.2023)
Tile company VM Matériaux automates its warehouse to boost throughput and simplify processes (04.01.2023)
Tile company VM Matériaux automates its warehouse to boost throughput and simplify processes (04.01.2023)
Best Practices 27: tecnologie all'avanguardia per la supply chain (28.12.2022)
Saisonaler Bestand: Was ist das und wie geht man damit um? (28.12.2022)
Seasonal inventory: What is it and how do you manage it? (28.12.2022)
Der Mehlhersteller Paulic Meunerie automatisiert sein Lager (27.12.2022)
Flour producer Paulic Meunerie automates its facility (27.12.2022)
Fachkraft für Lagerwirtschaft: Was sind ihre Funktionen? (15.12.2022)
Bestandsdeckung: Was versteht man darunter und wie kann man sie berechnen? (12.12.2022)
Wie wirkt sich die Inflation auf die Lieferkette aus? (05.12.2022)
Nachhaltige Beschaffung für eine grüne Logistik (23.11.2022)
»Task Interleaving« für Produktivität im Lager (21.11.2022)
Brangeon controllerà le operazioni di magazzino con Easy WMS di Mecalux (18.11.2022)
WCS-Software: Was ist das und wie funktioniert sie? (17.11.2022)
Der Schlüssel zu einer flexiblen Logistik (04.11.2022)
Jolly Softair accellererà la spedizione degli ordini con il software di Mecalux (17.10.2022)
Jolly Softair to speed up order dispatch with Mecalux software (17.10.2022)
Mit der Mecalux-Software beschleunigt Jolly Softair seinen Auftragsversand (17.10.2022)
Supply chain control tower for real-time monitoring (06.10.2022)
Das Unternehmen Denver: Logistikverwaltung in der Cloud mit Easy WMS (26.09.2022)
Leitfaden für die Implementierung einer LVS (21.09.2022)
Das Potenzial der Kombination von Shuttle-Cars mit dem Pallet Shuttle in einem Lager (13.09.2022)
Denver gestirà la sua logistica in cloud con Easy WMS (07.09.2022)
Denver to manage its logistics processes in the cloud with Easy WMS (07.09.2022)
Denver to manage its logistics processes in the cloud with Easy WMS (07.09.2022)
Mecalux included in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for the second consecutive year (01.09.2022)
Mecalux wird das zweite Jahr in Folge in den 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ aufgenommen (01.09.2022)
Die Einkaufssoftware und ihre Kombination mit einer LVS (31.08.2022)
Les avantages de combiner le Pallet Shuttle avec des navettes (29.08.2022)
Nephron Pharmaceuticals to take full control of its logistics operations with Easy WMS (26.08.2022)
Logistikinformationssysteme digitalisieren das Lager (23.08.2022)
Data-Mining in der Logistik 4.0 (16.08.2022)
Easy WMS will optimise two SumSol warehouses (02.08.2022)
So funktionieren AGV-Roboter (02.08.2022)
Jim Sports erweitert die Funktionalitäten der Lagerverwaltungssoftware Easy WMS (18.07.2022)
Jim Sports to extend the functionalities of Easy WMS warehouse management software (18.07.2022)
Le Club Led optimiert die Kommissionierung mit Easy WMS von Mecalux (11.07.2022)
Le Club Led optimise la préparation de commandes avec Easy WMS de Mecalux (11.07.2022)
Le Club Led to optimize order picking with Easy WMS from Mecalux (11.07.2022)
Best Practices 25: digitisation and automation to boost logistics (05.07.2022)
Inventursystem: Methoden zur Kontrolle des Lagerbestands (01.07.2022)
Digitisation will boost the productivity of wine company Vermuts Miró (29.06.2022)
Technologien für optimierte und effiziente Lager (23.06.2022)
Location and contact information
Mecalux GmbH Hamburger Straße 12 41540 Dormagen Germany https://www.mecalux.deGebietsverkaufsleiter Silvio Jokuszies Regaltechnik & IT Solutions gmbh@mecalux.comTelephone: +49 (0) 2133 50 65 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 2133 50 65 - 140 | Mecalux GmbH Hamburger Straße 12 41540 Dormagen Germany Amr Elmahdy amr.elmahdy@mecalux.comTelephone: 017682309463 |